Stop Climate Change – Spittelberg goes Green!


For this year’s market, we are looking for stallholders with innovative ideas. Small ecological footprint; fair trade, local, regional and organic products; vegetarian and vegan food; resource-efficient and sustainable. This is what we want and what our visitors can expect at this year’s event. You will love it. For sure.

We offer attractive fee reductions to stallholders with good ideas.

Send us your ideas, let us know what you would like to sell at the Spittelberg Christmas Market. Appealing and good for the environment.

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Das war 2023!

Ein stimmungsvoller Markt in familiärer Atmosphäre mit viel Kunsthandwerk, feiner Kulinarik, dem Duft von Weihnachtsgebäck, heißem Punsch und gebrannten Mandeln. Wir danken unseren Standler:innen und den zahlreichen Besucher:innen!