Falstaff chooses Spittelberg Christmas Market as the most popular Christmas market in Vienna

There is something to celebrate. The readers of the gourmet magazine “Falstaff” have voted us the most popular Christmas market in Vienna without interruption for the past six years. We see this as a mandate to us to pay attention to quality, authenticity, sustainability and of course romantic atmosphere again this year. A big thank you to our booth operators, our partners and our audience!

Falstaff chooses Spittelberg Christmas Market as the most popular Christmas market in Vienna

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Das war 2023!

Ein stimmungsvoller Markt in familiärer Atmosphäre mit viel Kunsthandwerk, feiner Kulinarik, dem Duft von Weihnachtsgebäck, heißem Punsch und gebrannten Mandeln. Wir danken unseren Standler:innen und den zahlreichen Besucher:innen!